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Code: 903055
1) Use basic knowledge of nature, society, research management system and intervention evaluation in OHS; Global strategies and trends in proposing OHS interventions.
2) Demonstrate professional ethics; comply with occupational safety principles; have good moral qualities, knowledge and compliance with laws; respect and protect workers.
3) Demonstrate lifelong learning skills, effective teamwork, creative and systematic thinking skills, independent working skills and effective communication skills through writing and presenting research reports. rescue intervention OHS.
4) Use the knowledge in advising businesses on what to do about OSH intervention assessments, occupational safety and health assurance for workers.
5) Build research methods and evaluating solutions to ensure occupational safety and sanitation for employees
6) Improve OSH technical and management tools and knowledge of OSH solutions in research design and evaluation of interventions to improve working conditions.
Class attendance: Students are strongly encouraged to attend class with at least 80%. Study seriously.
In-class Participation: Students are expected to attend all classes and examinations.
In-class participation includes attending lecture, discussing and answering questions, team working.
Homework: complete homework, reading notes in textbooks and references.
Examinations: includes 10%, 20%, 20% and 50%.
Nội dung
1.Tổng quan về hành vi sức khỏe
2.Lý thuyết hành vi sức khỏe cá nhân
3.Stress - Ứng phó và hành vi sức khỏe
4.Mô hình hành vi sức khỏe tương tác giữa các cá nhân
5.Mô hình hành vi sức khỏe trong cộng đồng – xã hội
6. Kỹ năng truyền thông, giáo dục sức khỏe
7.Đánh giá hành vi sức khỏe
Course Code: 903050
1/ Use of basic knowledge on nature, society, occupational sanitation and toxicology management system; Global strategies and trends in Occupational Hygiene and Toxicology.
2/ Demonstrate professional ethics; comply with occupational safety principles; have good moral qualities, knowledge and compliance with laws; respect and protect workers.
3/ Demonstrate lifelong learning skills, effective teamwork, creative and systematic thinking skills, independent working skills and effective communication skills through writing and presenting reports
4/ Demonstrate the capacity to advise and propose occupational health services and control solutions
5) Develop specific occupational hygiene solutions by applying knowledge about toxicology, occupational health, preventing pollution in the working environment, assessing the impact of factors harmful in the working environment on employees in order to ensure labor hygiene for employees
6) Build up scientific research achievements in providing solutions to ensure occupational hygiene and occupational health
Class attendance: Students are strongly encouraged to attend class with at least 80%. Study seriously.
In-class Participation: Students are expected to attend all classes and examinations.
In-class participation includes attending lecture, discussing and answering questions, team working.
Homework: complete homework, reading notes in textbooks and references in the TDTU Library.
Examinations: includes 10%, 20%, 20% and 50%.

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