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Brief course content:
Knowledge of course provide student with: introduction to OHS; Roles of OHS in socio - economic development; Concepts, key term in OHS and Hazard identification and safety measures
• Introduction to OHS
• Roles of OHS in socio-economic development
• Concepts, key term in OHS
• Hazard identification and safety measures
Brief course content:
Knowledge of course provide student with: introduction to OHS; Roles of OHS in socio - economic development; Concepts, key term in OHS and Hazard identification and safety measures
Introduction to OHS
Roles of OHS in socio-economic development
Concepts, key term in OHS
Hazard identification and safety measures
Code: 903055
1) Use basic knowledge of nature, society, research management system and intervention evaluation in OHS; Global strategies and trends in proposing OHS interventions.
2) Demonstrate professional ethics; comply with occupational safety principles; have good moral qualities, knowledge and compliance with laws; respect and protect workers.
3) Demonstrate lifelong learning skills, effective teamwork, creative and systematic thinking skills, independent working skills and effective communication skills through writing and presenting research reports. rescue intervention OHS.
4) Use the knowledge in advising businesses on what to do about OSH intervention assessments, occupational safety and health assurance for workers.
5) Build research methods and evaluating solutions to ensure occupational safety and sanitation for employees
6) Improve OSH technical and management tools and knowledge of OSH solutions in research design and evaluation of interventions to improve working conditions.
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