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This is an introductory course on planning for and management of transportation and other infrastructures that will support the effective delivery of functions and services in cities with the end goal of realising a more sustainable and inclusive development. The foundational knowledge on transportation covers basic concepts on transport and infrastructure, particularly the interaction between transport and other infrastructures with land use as well as with the overall urban context, integrated transportation planning process, transport data and modelling, transport economics, travel behaviour and travel demand management, public transport planning, active transportation such as walking and cycling, travel behaviour and financing infrastructure. The urban infrastructure component covers water supply and sewerage, water sensitive urban design, solid waste management and social infrastructure planning.
The course develops a geographical perspective for understanding information and addressing real world problems. This is practically applied with geographical information systems (GIS) and other related geospatial technologies. Students are given a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practical skills for using GIS to do mapping and land use planning and decision making.
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